Chapters II (Contents)

A story age-old…
Let us explore beauty, within all the chapters of us
Walk lines of scribes in destiny ;
Written a time before broken promises and mistrust

An era of faith in fate
A time where love weathered even the fiercest of hurricanes
Though we may lose our page, we travel to beginnings
Our contents of truth, will always help us to find our way


Scribbles (Protagonist)

Ill at ease in your presence…
You are the sole cause of emotions unparalleled
Turning my scribes into childish scribbles
Stupefied, by a smile so whimsical…
Misplacing all of my aplomb
My words, now a concoction of  notions ; Incoherent
My heroine, sweetest protagonist
Yielded have I ;
I bow to your eminence


Chapters (Serengeti)

Her eyes were diamonds
Sparkling ; Akin to onset of stars against the sunset of the east African serengeti…
Twilight over waters of ol’ Nile
Goddess ; Her silken skin confessed that royalty was her bloodline…
Sun child, her heat ignited my heart ;
Falling in submission to a touch sublime…
The beginning of an endless story
In divine chapters, of the Queen and I


Braille (Adorn)

I adored the way wrinkles adorned her ;
Chronicles of her journey on skin,
etched in deliberate patterns
I caressed every scar and bump ;
Braille to the blind, nude attire
Wearing only rose petals over my eyelids,
to commensurate with her scent


Hollow Bones (Winter Whispers)

Whispers of winter…
Her cold frost echoes ; As approaches my season’s lament
Warmth lacking from you in the present
Vehemently, I wrap scarves of yesterday around my neck
Only to rediscover the past is too filled with a bitter cold ; Numbness
The impasse cutting at the marrow of my soul
Still I carry with me these subfuscous traumas ; All that’s left of these hollow bones


Anchors (Storms)

I anticipate turbulence
Like storms riding on baneful waves of Sargasso seas
Determined to swallow whole our cargo adored…
It will be under such duress, where we shall find out
Just how deep the achors of our love do fall…


Deceit (Truthful Love)

…And I loved her so, that she would make my heart pound
… She would dance to it’s loudly beat 
Though it’s pattern irregular from previous burns, still somehow it worked ; The love left in it, knew not the answers of how to concede defeat

In the end, the only thing standing between her and my heart was me…
Fighting tirelessly for fear she would see the profound effect she had on my soul
I swore to never again to give another this control
Hiding my truthful love from her
This, I learnt, is the worst kind of deceit


Chaos Theory (Prophecies)

We exist in the bondange of our fervid attraction
Intricate ; The chaos theory of us
We are mathematics of the metaphysical
Relating through complex systems ; When we see only with two eyes, things never quite add up…

It was no accident, you and I
Ethereal ; Mystic
Archetypes in the deterministic science of destiny
Universal law
The order of things to come…
Of our love absolute ; Spoken of long ago in prophecies
